Welcome to the MSDLT Staff /Employee Page
Here you can find resources from Insurance and Health Benefits to submitting a technology support ticket.
Additional Resources
- Board Policy Forms
- CPR Dates & Registration
- Department of Labor Leave Entitlement
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- EdEx
- Employee Change Forms
- Evaluation Tools
- Excellence Design Challenge
- Field Trip Requests
- Indiana State University Preferred Partnership
- Injuries
- Kelly Educational Services
- Lawrence Health & Wellness Center
- Lawrence Township School Foundation Payroll Deduction
- License Renewal
- LTSF Request Forms
- Mileage Reimbursement
- Nurses
- Photography Request
- Professional Development Request
- Purchasing Procedures
- Safety & Security
- Staff Pay Dates
- Starling Minds - Mental Health Support
- Student of MSDLT Employee Enrollment Request
- Student Services
- Technology
- Translator/Interpreter Request
Board Policy Forms
CPR Dates & Registration
CPR Dates and Registration
- 2024-2025 CPR dates & Information - Please see the message below:
MSDLT Staff CPR Courses
Below you will find the upcoming CPR class dates for MSDLT employees. Classes are at a discounted price of $58.00 and must be paid in full online. If you have questions about the class, please call RESQ (317-786-7260). MSDLT only sets up times and dates for classes.
Classes will take place at Lawrence Education & Community Center (6501 Sunnyside Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46236) in the Board Room.
8/22/24 4:30pm-7pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888727
10/22/24 12pm-3pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9974289
11/14/24 4:30pm-7pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888728
2/6/25 4:30pm-7pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888747
3/13/25 4:30pm-7pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888751
4/10/25 4:30pm-7pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888753
6/12/25 9am-12pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888764
7/10/25 9am-12pm: https://resqtraining.enrollware.com/enroll?id=9888772
How to Register:
- Click or copy and paste the link that corresponds to the date you want to take the class.
- Click, “Continue with Registration”
- Enter in your personal information and payment information; you have to pay for the class when you sign up
- Click, “Continue with Registration” and follow the rest of the confirmation instructions.
- At the actual class, please be sure to sign in with your name and email address. All CPR cards will now be electronic and emailed to individuals. If you do not get your card, please call RESQ.
RESQ Health and Safety Training
5110 Commerce Square Dr. Ste A
Indianapolis, IN 46237
(317) 786-7260
Department of Labor Leave Entitlement
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Per Board Policy 2110.02, the corporation is committed to eliminating racial and ethnic disparities in achievement, while raising achievement levels for all students, to ensure educational equity and excellence for all learners of all races and ethnicities in the MSD of Lawrence Township.
We believe that students of all races and ethnicities can meet or exceed State standards and Corporation graduation requirements when they are effectively taught and held to high expectations.
We believe we have a moral, ethical, and professional obligation to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in achievement so that students of all races and ethnicities are not only well educated, but also prepared to succeed in our rapidly changing racially and culturally diverse world. This requires the conscious and deliberate examination of the institutional beliefs, behaviors, policies, programs, practices, systems, and structures in our School Corporation to identify and eliminate those that may perpetuate racial and ethnic disparities in achievement in order to counteract the impact of contemporary and historical institutionalized racism and discrimination on student achievement.
The MSD of Lawrence Township is committed to dismantling inequity for improved outcomes for ALL students.
Click here to be directed to the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion page.
Sponsored by the Lawrence Township School Foundation, the Educators’ Exchange (EdEx, for short) is a retail-like store FREE for our Lawrence Township teachers and staff. EdEx, staffed by volunteers and stocked with new and recycled materials donated from the community, is a place for teachers and staff to “shop” the supplies available and take the items back to the classroom to create art, enhance curriculum, or take care of basic needs.
EdEx is located in the LECC building, 6501 Sunnyside Road. Enter Door 4, make an immediate right, and go up those stairs.
- Fri. July 26, 2024 from 10 AM-5 PM
- Mon. August 12, 2024 from 1-5 PM
- Mon. September 9, 2024 from 1-5 PM
- Mon. October 14, 2024 from 1-5 PM
- Mon. November 11, 2024 from 1-5 PM
- Mon. December 9, 2024 from 1-5 PM
- Mon. January 13, 2025 from 1-5 PM.
- Mon. Feb 10, 2025 from 1-5 PM.
- Mon. March 17, 2025 from 1-5 PM.
- Mon. April 14, 2025 from 1-5 PM.
Employee Change Forms
Evaluation Tools
FTEM EvaluationClick here to access FTEM Evaluation Administrative Procedures.
iObservationiObservation is an instructional leadership improvement system. It collects, manages, and reports longitudinal data from classroom walkthroughs, teacher evaluations, and teacher observations. Techer growth and leadership practices inform professional development differentiated to individual learning needs for every teacher and leader to increase his/her classroom effectiveness each year.
- Planning Standards-Based Lessons/Units
- Identifying Critical Content from the Standards
- Helping Students Process New Content
- Using Questions to Help Students Elaborate on Content
- Organizing Students to Interact with Content
- Communicating High Expectations for Each Student to Close the Achievement Gap
- Maintaining Expertise in Content and Pedagogy
Click here to access iObservation.
SFS - Standards for Success (Classified Staff)
Excellence Design Challenge
Sponsored by: The Lawrence Township School Foundation
Purpose: To reward a staff member for an innovative idea that, if implemented, meaningfully impacts the MSDLT organization through efficiency, effectiveness, AND significant quantifiable improvements.
Eligibility: Any MSDLT non-administrative, staff member* that is employed as a certified or classified staff member by the MSD of Lawrence Township at the time of submission. The idea AND submission must be from an MSDLT staff member.
*Continued employment with MSDLT for at least 24 months if awarded the $20,000 or the money must be refunded. See Excellence Design Challenge Agreement for specifics.
How it works:
- A staff member(s) may complete the “planning application” which will indicate an interest in the Design Challenge and provide a summary of the idea. This will be an electronic submission.
- The MSDLT Excellence Design Challenge Team (MEDCT) will review the planning applications and determine which ones meet the requirements to move to the “Research and Development” (R and D) phase to complete the “full application”. The applicants who move to the R and D phase, who will be called “finalists”, will be notified by email with more information about the full application.
- The finalists will need to complete their R and D phase on the proposal outside of the contract day. A progress report will be due to the committee mid-way through this phase. A fully completed application package must be submitted by the deadline in order for the R and D phase award to be presented. The applicant is not implementing the idea during the R and D phase– the applicant is creating the action plan for the implementation of the idea.
- Full applications will then be reviewed by MEDCT members and the winner (or winners) will be determined. Dr. Smith will be the final vote in the process. Finalists as well as the winner (winners) will be announced at the End of the Year Celebration for all staff members. If the Superintendent does not deem any of the applications meet the qualifications of champion, the district reserves the right to not make a monetary award.
- The idea must be unique to the individual or to the school district. It cannot be a pre-packaged program or implementation of a copyrighted program. It cannot be a curriculum or published resource. It cannot be a purchased software or web based product.
- The idea must impact a large part (a grade span such as elementary or a large division such as transportation) of the overall MSDLT system. Ideas for single school or classroom based ideas will not be accepted. ∙ Applications may be submitted by more than one employee, but all involved must be identified at the beginning of the planning application process. Monetary awards are shared by the number of applicants.
- Only one idea should be submitted per application.
2024-2025 Timeline:
Friday, December 6, 2025 – Release of information about 2024-2025 Design Challenge.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 - Planning application available. - Click here to submit an application.
Friday, January 3, 2025 – Planning Application Due - must submit electronically by midnight
Friday, January 31, 2025 – Planning Application Finalists notified via email
January 31 – April 4, 2025 – Research and Development Phase for Finalists – completion of application package
Friday, April 4, 2025 - Full Application due / R and D Monetary Awards Presented to Finalists
($750 per application; will be divided if more than one applicant).
Friday, May 23, 2025 – MSDLT Excellence Design Challenge Winner(s) Announced at Teacher of the Year Celebration ($20,000 total award; will be divided if more than one idea is selected; will be divided if more than one certified staff member contributed to final application).
click here to access a printable version of the design challenge year 9 overview
Field Trip Requests
Indiana State University Preferred Partnership
As a preferred partner of Indiana State University (ISU), LT employees shall be considered for acceptance in select degree programs to be offered on-campus or online. Employees must meet all educational requirements and prerequisites of the selected degree program.
Subject to the terms of this Agreement, MSD employees shall be entitled to:
- Educational benefits including a fifteen percent (15%) tuition rate discount at the graduate or undergraduate in-state tuition rate for each semester of enrollment.
- Waiver of the application fees and enrollment deposits.
- Expedited transfer review of prior college-level credit.
Degree programs may include additional fees that will not be discounted, such as the ISU health and wellness fee for on-campus students, the recreation center fee for on-campus students, program- or course-specific fees, or other such fees as may be imposed by the ISU Board of Trustees from time-to-time.
- Student Injury Report Form
- Non-Student/Non Staff Injury Report Form
(example: parent, visitor, volunteer, Kelly teaching substitute)
Questions? Contact Mrs. Carol Perry, MSD of Lawrence Township Workman's Comp Coordinator at 317-423-8394.
Kelly Educational Services
For LT employees that report to Kelly Sub Services, the operator system is not designed to accept absences within 24 hours of the absence. The system will not work in that timeframe. If an absence is within 24 hours, you must call the scheduling team at 1-866-Kelly-98 and speak with a live person. The scheduling team is available from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Additionally, Kelly is working on recruiting quality subs and will pay a $50 reward to Lawrence Township Staff for finding good substitutes.
- Kelly Educational Staffing is dedicated to helping districts save money and operate at peak capacity by fulfilling all staffing needs. Kelly Educational Staffing has proudly provided staffing to schools since 1997 with a daily placement rate greater than 98%. To date, over 90 million student learning days have been taught by a Kelly Educational Staffing substitute teacher. For more information, click here to visit the Kelly Educational Staffing website.
Substitute Teacher Information
The MSD of Lawrence Township has contracted with Kelly Educational Staffing to provide substitute teachers, effective October, 2013.
Kelly Educational Staffing has proudly provided staffing to schools since 1997 with a daily placement rate greater than 98%. To date, over 90 million student learning days have been taught by a Kelly Educational Staffing substitute teacher.
To apply for substitute teaching positions at MSD of Lawrence Township, please utilize the following link https://calendly.com/kellyscheduling or email 2570@kellyservices.com
Reminder: All teachers and Instructional Assistants absences and substitute teacher requests should now be made through Kelly Educational Services.
- You should have received a user ID and pin number you will use to access the Kelly system.
- Click here to watch the YouTube training video to learn how to use the Kelly system.
Lawrence Health & Wellness Center
Lawrence Health & Wellness Center
For MSDLT employees participating in our health care/insurance plan)
LECC - Lawrence Education and Community Center
(6501 Sunnyside Road)
Monday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
8501 E. 56th Street, Suite 110
(Corner of 56th and Herbert Lord Road)
Monday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Tuesday: 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Call (317) 621-1207 to schedule an appointment or follow the link below to schedule online.
Click here for a list of services provided and to meet your care team.
Click here for the generic prescription list that is offered at our Wellness Clinic
The generic prescriptions are highlighted in yellow. You will need to be seen by one of our physicians in order to take advantage of this service. He/ She will need to prescribe the medication.
Health Coach Katie Thorne
As the district’s health and wellness coach, Katie Thorne is dedicated to helping you make healthy lifestyle changes. Her services are available to all MSDLT employees at no charge! Call (317) 621-7114 to schedule an appointment.
My Wellness Portal
Lawrence Township School Foundation Payroll Deduction
Click here to access the LTSF Payroll Deduction Form.
Those with questions should call the LTSF Office at 317-423-8300.
License Renewal
The State of Indiana requires that a teacher have a valid teaching license on file at the beginning of each school year. The renewal of a license is the professional obligation of each individual teacher. Click here to check your license information and expiration dates.
All license renewals must be completed online -- click for details.
Your license must be renewed prior to the first day of school or you will be placed on sub pay until you have submitted a valid teaching license to Human Resources. If you are on an extended contract, your license must be renewed before the first day of your contract. Information regarding license renewal can be found on the Professional Standards Board website.
LTSF Request Forms
Mileage Reimbursement
Parent Letters
- AED Daily Log
- Certificate of Incapacitation
- Communicable Disease Reference Guide
- Chickenpox Parent Letter
- Chickenpox Fact Sheet
- HPV Parent Letter - English
- HPV Parent Letter - Spanish
- ISHD School Nurse Reference Packet
- ISHD Parent Exclusion Notice
- Medication Consent English 22-23
- Medication Self Carry Consent
- Medication Self Carry Consent SPANISH
- Meningitis Parent Letter - Case Documented
- Meningitis Parent Letter - English
- Meningitis Parent Letter - Spanish
- Pertussis Parent Letter - English
- Pertussis Parent Letter - Spanish - Coming Soon
- Varicella Parent Letter
- Medication Administration
- Daily Medication Log
- Medication Pickup End Of Year
Photography Request
Professional Development Request
Purchasing Procedures
Safety & Security
Staff Pay Dates
Staff Pay Dates (click below to view calendar)
2024-2025 27 Pay Teachers Payroll Schedule2024-2025 28 Pay Teachers Payroll Schedule |
2024-2025 Admin 220 Pay Schedule2023-2024 Admin 260 Pay Schedule |
Starling Minds - Mental Health Support
Starling Minds seeks disrupt the pathway to burnout with evidence-based tools, strategies and actionable steps for organizations, leaders, and people.
Available to staff at no cost is the Starling Minds mobile app, offering on-demand mental support and training, tailored by professions (Education). They deliver support through psychoeducation, an approach perfectly fit for educators to learn the skills and tools they need to build mental resilience, at work and at home.
1. While Employee Assistance Plans (EAP) are limited, Starling offers unlimited, confidential, self-guided, ongoing mental health support that helps educators overcome the physical, emotional, and mental factors contributing to burnout.
2. Supporting Educators' Well-Being: Starling prioritizes the mental well-being of educators, because when they thrive, students thrive.
3. Equipping Educators for Success: Strong educators lead to strong classrooms. Starling provides tools for mental health and professional growth.
4. Access to Expert Support: Educators have access to mental health experts who understand the unique challenges that individuals face.
5. A Safe Space for Educators: Schools provide a safe space where educators can openly discuss mental health concerns.
6. Resources for Educators: Starling offers a wide range of resources to support educators' mental well-being and professional development.
7. Whole Educators for Whole Students: Starling believes in supporting the whole educator, because it positively impacts the whole student.
To get started, download Starling Minds in the App Store or Google Play.
Employees can use either their work or personal email and could use the access code - CIESCMEMBER
Student of MSDLT Employee Enrollment Request
Student of MSDLT Employee Enrollment Request
Non-Resident (Grades 1-12)
CAP - Choice Application (Grades 1-6)
Secondary Resident Transfer (Grades 7-12)
Student Services
Report of Suspected/Alleged Child Abuse or Neglect
Department of Child Services (DCS) Reporting Number: - 1-800-800-5556
Bullying Incident/Investigation Form
EL Verification Letter - Spanish
Technology Support
- If you need to request a Chromebook App for student use, make request here.
- If something is broken and/or not working properly, submit a work order.
- Click Here if you need a new piece of technology equipment or administrative software tool, if you need to modify how your existing technology functions, or if you need to move technology equipment from one location to another.
- If you are traveling abroad, fill out this form so that you're not locked out of email and network resources..
Translator/Interpreter Request
Translator/Exceptional Learners ALL Languages Interpretation
Translation/Interpretation Haitian Creole Request
• Haitian Creole Support Request
Translation/Interpretation Spanish and Other Languages Request
• Spanish and Other Languages Support Request
NOTE: If you need a Spanish interpreter for your building/program, please consult first with your Principal and your building bilingual staff.